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2011-03-25 作者:Merlin Fulcher 来源:http://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/daily-news/waf-2011-super-jury-announced/8612862.article
  近日,世界建筑节(World Architecture Festival)公布了本届年度世界建筑奖的“超级评委会”,北京土人设计首席设计师俞孔坚教授将出任“超级评委会”评委。
  据悉,“超级评委会”由5位国际大师组成,分别是来自纽约Michael Sorkin事务所的Michael Sorkin、来自鹿特丹UNStudio事务所的Ben van Berkel、来自开普敦Noero Wolff Architects事务所的Jo Noero,来自巴黎ODBC的Odile Decq,和北京土人设计首席设计师俞孔坚教授。随后,本届世界建筑节(WAF)的“超级评委会”将主持在巴塞罗那召开的全球建筑盛会的颁奖典礼。
  世界建筑节(WAF)的项目总监Paul Finch表示:“我们热烈欢迎这5位来自设计界声名卓著、经验丰富的成员组成本届盛会的超级评委会,同时我们期待他们将要进行评审的诸优秀项目。”

    The World Architecture Festival has unveiled its ‘super-jury’ for this year’s World Building of the Year award
    The judges are Michael Sorkin of New York-based Michael Sorkin Studio, Ben van Berkel of Rotterdam-based UNStudio, Jo Noero of Noero Wolff Architects in Cape Town, Odile Decq of Paris’ ODBC and Kongjian Yu from Turenscape in Beijing.
    The WAF ‘super-jury’ will preside over the global architecture event’s awards ceremony in Barcelona later this year.
    Paul Finch, WAF Programme Director, said: ‘We are delighted to welcome five valued and experienced members from the design community to form the super-jury at WAF and look forward to seeing the exceptional projects that they will be judging.’
    ‘WAF is a truly international event. It is a unique meeting point for the architectural community to showcase projects, hear inspirational speakers and compete for a WAF Award.
    ‘It brings together influential designers and provides an important showcase of what’s going on in the world of architecture, inspiring architects to think in new ways, not just about buildings, but about collaboration with clients other professionals.’
    Now in its fourth year, the event is attended by more than 5,000 international delegates, featuring seminars, exhibitions, keynote addresses and a student competition.
    The 2011 prizes are awarded in three sections: completed buildings, structural design, and future projects. Each section includes up to 16 categories.

    This year’s WAF will take place from 2 to 4 November. The festival programme will focus on ‘difference’, exploring how architects have responded to political, cultural, ethnic, gender, social and economic differences across the world.

Click here to see last year’s winners.