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2011-04-08 作者:asladirt 来源:http://dirt.asla.org/
  华盛顿大学景观设计学系4月7日至8 日(美国时间)将举办题为“下一代生态城市”的论坛。届时,诸多顶尖的景观理论家和实践家,包括美国景观设计协会联合会员Kristina Hill、美国景观设计协会会员Pierre Belanger 和美国景观设计协会国际会员俞孔坚(KongjanYu)将共同探讨生态城市的理念在不断的城市化和快速全球化的进程中如何演变。其中,俞孔坚教授将于8日上午发表主题演讲:“Re-inventing the Good Earth"


    The University of Washington’s landscape architecture department has put together a symposium that will explore the idea of the Eco-City. In ”Next Eco-City,” a range of leading landscape theorists and practitioners like Kristina Hill, Affiliate ASLA, Pierre Belanger, ASLA, and Yu Kongjian, International ASLA, will cover how the Eco-City concept has evolved with increased urbanization and rapid globalization. 

    The conference organizers argue that “urban environments worldwide are in the midst of multiple shifts, driven by interconnected flows in capital, people, and resources at local, regional and global scales. It impacts not only cities but also the network of social and ecological systems well beyond their borders.”
    Despite the fact that a true Eco-City has never really existed, the idea continues to have legs, and has perservered as a potential solution to global challenges. “In contrast to the complexity of today’s urbanization, the concept of the ‘Eco-City,’ arguably dating back to the ideal of the 19th Century Garden City, seems like an overly simplistic and utopian vision. Yet, the imagery and language of an idealized ‘Eco-City’ continue to shape the planning and design of contemporary cities while disregarding the vital complexity of contemporary urban conditions and issues.”
    The symposium will look into ”emergent ecologies, cities, and tactics.” Emergent ecologies will explore the “relationships between environment, equity, economy, and design in our rapidly urbanizing world.” The cities talk will cover the “dynamics and implications of rapid urban growth in the emerging mega-cities of the global south,” while the discussion  on tactics will look into “how seeing the urban landscape as a set of [...] matrices with interconnected and spontaneous possibilities can inspire new approaches and methods in design and implementation.”
    The symposium will be held April 7-8 at the University of Washington’s campus in Seattle. General registration is $30. Learn more about the program and register.
    Image credit: Masdar City, U.A.E. / Masdarcity.com