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2012-09-11 作者:李艳君 浦实 来源:土人设计
  2012 宾夕法尼亚大学设计学院 景观设计专业研究生在读
  2010 密歇根大学塔伯曼建筑和城市规划学院 建筑专业
  2011.夏 在纽约DAESON公司做项目实地研究员
  2008.夏 在Interface建筑工作室实习
  2008.夏 在Joel Levinson + Associates设计公司实习
  1. 介绍一下你的家乡,喜欢在北京生活的生活么,和你的家乡有什么不同?
    Tell us a bit about your hometown. Do you like living in Beijing? What are some things that are different?
    I grew up in a suburb outside of Detroit, in Michigan. As with most American suburbs, one was inconvenienced by having to have a car in order to go anywhere, and the environment was not urban at all. Beijing, on the other hand, is as different from my hometown as possible. During my stay in the city, I have found that the transportation and service infrastructure, while developing to accommodate millions of people, are very impressive. During my first weeks, I was overwhelmed with the scale of the city, and equally impressed with the transportation options that made it possible to get around.
  2. 你为什么会决定来中国,并选择来土人设计呢?
    Why did you decide to come to China, and join Turenscape?
    As a Chinese American, it has been very important to me that I go to China to better understand myself and the cultural values that influenced my parents and have added to my development as a person. The opportunity to do Landscape design work in a country that is experiencing unprecedented development while learning more about China was a “win-win” situation for me.
  3. 你现在在土人工作了多久?在设计过程中遇到了哪些挑战?
    How long have you been in Turenscape? What kind of challenges have you faced as you are designing?
    As of this past august, I’ve spent three months at Turenscape, and it has been quite challenging! One of the biggest work challenges was my minimal knowledge of Chinese, written and spoken. The opportunity to listen, process and add to group discussions was never there. To wait for a translation of a conversation was at times frustrating! Through it all, we are fortunate to be a graphic profession, and the language barrier challenged me to be thorough in my though process and I think I am leaving the office with much improved drawing and graphic design skills.
  4. 在来土人之前,你做过不同类型的工作,涉及不同专业,这种多元化的经历带给你哪些益处?
    Before coming to Turenscape, you have worked in a variety of roles, involved in different industries. What have you learnt given your wide experience?
    Before this internship, I was working in the ecological restoration field, doing field work on wetlands and reforestation projects in New Jersey and New York. A driving interest and passion for environmental issues has led me to Landscape design, and the one thing I have taken from my previous experience is that the concept of “restoration” often-times means the return of a landscape to a “Nature” free of human intervention. To think that there is a “nature” like that is an entirely erroneous way of thinking!
    Every project I worked on involved establishing a wetland, a forest, an ideal ecosystem with little human intervention. The work is very important and necessary, but to me, it was missing out on the vital education of the next generation of people, to take restoration work for方面 granted. Humans need to value the environment for the environment to exist in a viable state. If there is no way for people to value the efforts of restoration, then the process of environmental degragation will be repeated until we hit a crisis. That is why I subscribe to the idea of Ecological “Reclamation”, which is a didactic field of work that Turenscape excels at integrating into its designs.
    Which Chinese cities have you visited? What was the main feature of that city? What impressions did the city leave you with?
    Aside from Beijing, I have been fortunate to visit Xi’an, Shanghai and Hangzhou. These cities are amazing in their own right, and all have a unique identity. Xi’an strikes me as a very unique city, as it’s preservation of history in its urban planning layout and city walls is exemplary of compact urban density, which is not found in a massive city like Beijng! The continuity of the past into the present and future is something I think can be applied to other cities in China.
  6. 你参观过中国古典园林吗?就你的专业背景,你怎么看中国古典园林?
    Have you been to the Classical Chinese Gardens? Given your professional background, how do you view these gardens?
    I have not! One day, I will make plans to go to Suzhou and see some. In college, our only exposure to Chinese landscape design were sites like the Humble Administrator’s garden, which is important to study for the sake of understanding major Landscape design strategies like the use of materials, a narrative of time, and techniques for expanding and shrinking one’s perception of space. I can respect these ideas, but I know that as a Landscape designer, the design traditions at the scale of a garden can be limiting when applied to a larger scale public park, which is what China desperately needs (and wants) today. The 680 Hectare Beijing Olympic Forest Park is a good example of the type of landscape that borrows from, not imitates, traditional Chinese garden design. The challenge for designers is not to replicate garden design from centuries ago, but apply their concepts in the language of today.
  7. 你认为景观设计是在创造更美好的城市方面扮演着什么角色?
    What role do you think landscape architects play in making our cities more livable and sustainable?
    Landscape architects provide a necessary dimension to urban design and planning today. Architects, artists and Urban planners have long contributed to making cities livable and sustainable, and the Landscape designer of today is the professional that collaborates with them to create and enhance a sense of place, an identity for a community, a city, a region. We don’t just plant trees and add shrubs in the city, but try to work with others to find solutions that work for people, the economy and the environment.
  8. 你最欣赏哪位景观设计师?什么样的作品最能让你兴奋?
    Which landscape architect do you admire most? What kind of projects excites you the most?
  我一直受法国设计师Michel Desvigne作品的启发,他很擅长从土地的历史和时间的不同尺度上寻找联系来进行创作。从东京大学的屋顶广场到伦敦格林威治村的提案,都在演绎着这一想法:一个项目要延续时间发展的轨迹来达到其使用者的需求。树木和植物是他的设计工具,他的设计逻辑认为,设计应该有一个开放的姿态,而不是试图控制所有的东西,随着时间的推进不断适应其环境。
    I have long been inspired by the work of Michel Desvigne, a French designer that has been successful in creating landscapes connected to our agrarian past and different scales of time. Projects from the Tokyo University rooftop plaza to his proposal for Greenwich Village in London speak to that idea of a project that is constantly evolving over time to meet the needs of its users. Trees and plants are the tools for his design process, which proposes that one designs in an open ended manner that doesn’t seek to manage everything, but be flexible and adaptable throughout the years.
    What future plans do you have?
    The future, as I mentioned above, is open-ended! My goal is to pursue ecological reclamation work where it is most needed: cities and post-industrial landscapes. Whether it is the government or a private practice, I hope to continue learning about ecological systems while looking for opportunities to inspire people. If I continue to learn the Chinese language, work in Asia may also be a goal to strive for.