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衢州鹿鸣公园获2017年AZ Awards最佳景观奖

2017-06-29 作者:AZ Awards 来源:土人设计

  AZURE杂志日前宣布了第7届一年一度的AZ奖(AZ Awards)优胜者,获得这一荣誉的20个项目设计令人惊叹,极富创造力。这些项目是当今全球建筑和设计杰出作品的代表——有新罕布什尔州的新奇天文台,有可以在任何活动场地展开的自行车动力顶棚,还有来自的中国31.3公顷的公园,保护着脆弱的湿地生境。

  2017年是第7次举办AZ奖,专家评委从来自41个国家的813份作品中挑选出了70份作品进入决赛。由俞孔坚带领的北京大学和“土人设计”团队设计的“衢州鹿鸣公园”荣获此次的最佳景观奖。Victoria Taylor Landscape Architect的作品Public Laneway Puncture,以及West 8设计的Governors Island Phase 2: The Hills。

Quzhou Luming Park



To protect land under threat of development in Quzhou City, China, local firm Turenscape devised a sustainable and captivating solution.


  In a country where development waits for no one, the government of Quzhou, a Chinese metropolis of 2.5 million and counting, put up its hand and said, “Stop.”



  Quzhou had already earned the status of National Eco-Model City for its efforts to curb rampant growth along Shiliang Creek. But the creek’s west bank was at the front lines of industrial creep and increasingly under threat. In response, Beijing landscape architects Turenscape developed a sustainable and seductive solution for some 31.3 hectares of neglected but valuable land, ensuring the land’s protection for the foreseeable future.


  Whereas much of Quzhou has been levelled for chemical factories and dense housing, Turenscape preserved the natural red sandstone hills of the Shiliang Creek bank and enhanced them with clusters of green. This creates a sense of rich geography in a flat urban context where few peaks rise from the distant horizon.


  From here, the land dips south toward the river in swaths of floodplain. Turenscape’s response was to “quilt” it with low-maintenance, naturally irrigated meadows of reeds, grasses and hardy flowering crops that come alive at different times of the year. Brilliant yellow canola blossoms emerge in spring; sunflowers, purple loosestrife and wild chrysanthemums bloom in summer; and liquidambar, hackberry and ginkgo trees are aflame in autumn.



  This is the kind of bio-filtering we can all learn from, where plants are remediating the area while also looking beautiful.

——Nina Marie Lister


  To build anything significant amid this fragile wetland would defeat the project’s purpose – and yet luring people here is the only way to truly safeguard the future of the land. With minimal intervention, Turenscape threaded raised boardwalks – which appear to skim the water – through the park, skirting the forest’s edge so that visitors can peer down into the faces of basking sunflowers. Shady wood-slat pavilions have balconies that jut out over fields of wildflowers and dangle over the river. The goal, says Turenscape, was to “make friends” with the water.



  Orchestrating a productive, resilient future for this imperilled environment was an auspicious start to a lasting relationship.

