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2022-12-29 作者:俞孔坚等 来源:景观设计学,2018,6(01):64-75.
作为浙江省“五水共治”(治污水、防洪水、排涝水、保供水、抓节水)的示范工程,浦阳江治理修复项目将原本遭受严重污染的河道转变为了广受市民喜爱的生态廊道。项目从水生态修复入手,引入由小型滞留湿地和大型湿地斑块组成的湿地净化系统,使水质得到显著改善。设计体现了海绵城市建设理念和最小干预策略,在提升场地应对洪水的弹性的同时,将设计对原有自然环境的扰动降至最低。此外,项目对场地原有的农业、水利和文化历史遗迹进行了保护、激活并巧妙改造,赋予了场地艺术与教育价值。 As a pilot project of water treatment in Zhejiang Province,the Puyangjiang River Corridor project has remediated the polluted river course into a popular ecological and recreational corridor. The project restored the aquatic ecosystems and improved the water quality by introducing a constructed wetland system which purifies the irrigation water and the tributaries of Puyangjiang River. Under a concept of Sponge City construction and a minimal intervention strategy, the design not only enhances the flood resilience,but also minimizes the disturbance to natural ecosystems of the site.In addition,the existing agricultural, water-conservational, and cultural heritages have been preserved and partly reused as recreational structures and facilities, contributing aesthetic and educational values to the site.
湿地;生态净化;海绵城市建设;最小干预;历史遗迹;Wetland; Ecological Purification; Sponge City Construction; Minimal Intervention; Historical Heritage    
