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2022-12-30 作者:俞孔坚 来源:景观设计学,2017,5(01):6-7.
浦阳江生态绿道是浙江省“五水共治”的标志性工程之一。“五水共治”包括治污水、防洪水、排涝水、保供水、抓节水5项举措(于2013年11月29日在浙江省委十三届四次全会上提出),旨在协同综合治理关于水的一系列问题。2014年初,土人设计开始介入浦阳江的综合治理工程。作为浦江县的母亲河,浦阳江却因为污染严重被省政府点名列入重点治理工程。省委书记亲自过问这一工程,并由时任金华市委书记徐加爱担任浦阳江河长。综合治理措施包括截留工业污水进入污水处理厂、沿河建立绿色海绵系统、保护河道植被、恢复生态河岸、沿河建立自行车道、用挑空的方式引入适应性水弹性步行栈道等,使人们在享受自然生态系统服务的同时,尽量避免对自然产生干扰。经过两年的综合治理,浦阳江目前已重焕母亲河昔日的美丽。 The Puyang River Ecological Greenway is one of the Five Strategies of Water Management projects in Zhejiang Province. The projects include sewage water treatment, flood control, and water drainage, storage, and saving. The initiative was put forward on November 29th, 2013 as part of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Zhejiang Provincial Committee Session, and is committed to collaborative and comprehensive management of water issues. In early 2014, TURENSCAPE began a comprehensive management plan for the Puyang River. As the mother river of Pujiang County, Puyang River was named as the key treatment project by the provincial government because of its serious pollution. Under the concern of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Jia’ai Xu, the Party secretary of Jinhua, undertook the responsibilities of the Puyang River management. Comprehensive treatment measures include gathering industrial wastewater to be purified, establishment of a green sponge system along the river, vegetation protections, riverbank restoration, and introduction of bicycle lane and elevated walking paths adaptive to water resilience along the river. So that people can enjoy the natural ecosystem services while avoiding disturbance to nature. After two years of comprehensive management, Puyang River has revived its past beauty as the mother river.








Baisha Stream, The Water of My Hometown

Baisha Stream is the water of my hometown, it continually reemerges in my memory, my dreams, and my designs. To me, it is the most beautiful waterway!

Baisha Stream is a 60-kilometer long river. My hometown of Dongyu Village, meaning “village in the east,” is located on the eastern bank where the stream flows into the Wu River. From there, the stream empties into the Fuchun River, then the Qiantang River, and finally into the ocean. My earliest memories are hanging on the banks of the Baisha Stream, looking towards the Nanshan Mountains. I was eager to go against the stream to explore the wonderland spread from my ancestors: the 36 ancient weirs and irrigation channels built by the Baisha master, Wentai Lu, a commander of the Han Dynasty; the deep pool where villagers prayed for rain and the immortal crucian spirit lived; Yinkeng Village and Menzhen Village in the Shafan Valley, where even the Japanese invaders were afraid to enter, as it was guarded by General Yu Su; the deep pits and cool springs my father treked over when he carried wood out of the mountains; and the mountains my mother walked over to collect ore for commune steel-making…. However, my wish to exploring for the upstream of Baisha Stream Valley has remained unrealized even over my 50s. Hidden in the lush Nanshan Mountains, Baisha Stream has been like the mysterious Mona Lisa’s smile, charming and full of bewitchment, even became a nostalgia and emotional sustenance to me.

Finally, on November 14th, 2016 and January 19th, 2017, I had the opportunity to twice enter the Baisha Stream Valley. After 50 years away, I finally drunk from the same spring as my father. I breathed the fresh air with the particulate level of 3 μg/m3 in PM2.5, compared the 300 μg/m3 of Beijing. I nibbled green tea leaves growing on the hillside, and listened to the dancing breeze of the bamboo forest. Perhaps this was the same forest my mother passed through carrying iron ores as a young woman. And the village on stream sides and under the mountains was perhaps where my ancestors used to have a rest! The familiar village names my parents have mentioned continuously for the past 50 years, Menzhen, Shishuling, Xikou, Shafan, Gaoru, Qingcao, Liaotou, and Shanjiao each revealed, dreamlike and beautiful.

The stream fluctuates from narrow to wide, deep to shallow, and trees extend from the edge of the bank. Lush forest mountains help to regulate droughts and floods, and low stone weirs lead the stream to villages and fields. Houses built along the water contain courtyards with green vegetable gardens. The villages built along the water occasionally flood. The villagers talk about the flooding with a smile, remembering when the carp jumped into the house. They just take the flood as a game between man and water.

I have never seen so many birds in one day, from the egret dancing on the bench to the pheasant flying out of grass. There were more than I could name which flashed across the bamboo forest with a crisp sound, rested on the wire with a long phoenix-like tail and beautiful head crown, and circled above the treetops, screaming piercingly.... I assumed there are still as many fish as in my childhood, however, villagers told me there were far fewer fish than in the past, and far fewer birds and other animals. Still, it was my dream paradise.

This experience inspires me to the subjects of symbiosis and collaborative design of water — in which ways there could be symbiosis between man and water, and how could water ecosystem provide the self-regulating, life-supporting, productive and supplying services? How can water continue to become a carrier of human spirit and culture? Instead of the industrial civilization, it is the agricultural civilization and post-industrial civilization (ecological civilization) that may give the answers.