文章来源:俞孔坚.两条远方的河流[J].景观设计学, 2013-1(04):6-7.
这是两条流淌在内蒙古高原上的河流,一条名为哈拉哈河,另一条名为伊敏河。哈拉哈河艰难地行走在阿尔山的火山岩中,时而钻入岩壳之下,不留痕迹,如同顽皮的孩童;时而因堰塞而成湖 泊,静若处子,饱含羞涩;时而穿破坚硬的玄武岩,形成跌宕的激流,泛起白色的浪花,欢快地在岩壁间与白桦林间奔流,像是充满 活力的躁动的青年。在那河流之上,我看到漂流的人们奋力划动橘色的橡皮筏,兴奋地搏击着迎面而来的浪花;而在岸上,三三两两的游客说说笑笑,漫步在木栈道上,游走于白桦林间。在阅尽阿尔山的绵绵山峦、妙曼云雾和苍茫林海之后,哈拉哈河最终流向广阔无垠的呼伦贝尔草原,汇入中国和蒙古国共有的美丽湖泊——贝尔湖。
这是两条有着不同性格的河流,却都同样无私地向人们奉献着她们所能给予的一切。如果能够得到善待,她们还将持续地、无止尽地如此奉献。生态学家们将这种奉献称之为生态服务,包括:供给服务——提供食物和洁净的水源;调节服务——调节洪涝和干旱、气温之寒暑,净化水质;生命承载服务——为众多的生物提供 栖息地,以及繁衍和迁徙的通道;文化服务——提供诸如审美、启智、身心再生和精神寄托。
Two Rivers in a Distant Place
Recently I traveled to two previously beautiful rivers,but the result I found was sad and depressing.
The two rivers were the Halaha River and Yimin River in the Inner Mongolian Plateau.The Halaha snakeslaboriously among the volcanic rocks of the Arxan Mountains,From time to time she steals into the rock caves without a trace,like a mischievous kid;sometimes she rests in a lake,like a quiet and timid girl; other times she penetrates the hardbasalt,running cheerfully among the rocks and silver birches like an energetic and restless youngster,It was on this part of the Halaha that I saw orange rubber rafts carried by the current and filled with excited people confronting the rapids,many tourists chatted and laughed on shore while walking among silver birches. After passing through the neighboring mountains, amiss a sea of mysteriousclouds,fog,and forest,the Halaha River flowed across the Hulun Buir Grassland,into beautiful lakes on the Chinese and Mongolian boarder,and finally into Buir Lake.
The Yimin,by contrast,meanders vastand flat grassland,like a gentle and peaceful mother opening her arms,fullof mate mal love,and em bracing the flow of water from any direction.With inflnite tende mess,like a roll of loose ribbon, the Yimin River carves out crescentsandbanks on the Hulun Buir Grassland,a region known as "father"by the localherdsmen.Thesandhanksretainedinthe river become wetlands with lush vegetation. Grassland extends to the water, where flocks of cattle and sheep playand graze.On the banks people fish, receiving generous gifts from the motherriver,delightedlyandcontently.
These two rivers are physically differentbut offer whatever they could in the same way. If treated nicely, they wouldcontinue to offer what ecologists called “ecological services”,Both rivers prowide services such as supply (of food and clean water),adjustment (of discharge in flood and drought times,temperature in cold and hot se asons,and water purification),lifecanying(ofprovidinghabitats and migratory passages for a large amotint of living creatures),and culture(such as aesthetic appreciation,intellectual inspiration,physical and mental recovery, and a place to put hopes).
However,these two rivers are threatered in the same way that hundreds ofrivers in China are threatened. During my visit, the beaches of the Halaha River were buzzing with construction for a rew tourist town.Black peat,which had been buried below the beautiful mealow for thousands of decades,was being dug out,underground streams were being drained,and the lower reach of the river was no longer clean.The naturalmeandering water had been channelized withcementfloodcontrolembankments,transforming the river into a narrow and har dened ditch,all for the purposeof constructing highway embankments. The delightful and fresh Halaha had losther vitality in a flash,like a chanming girl instantly tumed into a decomposing,dead body.
Similarly,in Hailar,where the Yimin River passes, I saw her ruefulness. A row of dredging vehicles,connectedwithlong,rustedironpipes,were sucking sand from the riverbed,likea greedy vampire sucking bone marrow from a beautiful life.Willows and poplars had been cut down and removed from both banks,and the once colorfulflowerbeds on the sandhanks were now filled with quarries, ponding stagnantwater,like an ulcer on beautiful skin, A new monumental water conservancyproject was forcing the river to be re-channelized. The new flood control embankments will compress the flood plain, forcing the river to flow into a narrowcement river course.Grand buildings are planned in the wetlands and meadows on both sides of the river.Finally. at least three rubber dams will be built on the river to complete the vision of making Hulun Buir a "beautiful water city",In total,four billion RMB have been invested in this "river beautification project" that will, by the time it is completed,have drastically changedthe destiny of Yimin,the mother river.
I was saddened and downhearted bythe misfortune experienced by these two remote and beautiful rivers. I feltcertain that the devil butchering these rivers has brewed massacres everywhere.But why? Is it ignorance?Or greed?Or comiption? Or lost morals? Or thepowerlessnessofdesign?Inresponseto what I have seen firsthand, I would like to once again make an appeal:Please save the Halaha River,please save theYimin River,and please save every river that has provided gifts to our ancestorsand will continue to provide gifts to our futuregenerations.Treattherivers well,for the ir fate is tied to ours,