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2023-01-04 作者:傅微,俞孔坚 来源:干旱荒漠区;城市开放空间;景观设计方法;:arid desert area;urban open space;method of landscape architecture
随着城市的稳定发展,满足干旱荒漠城市市民户外生活条件日益提高,构建宜居城市空间环境也越来越必要,而干旱荒漠地区气候严酷,多风沙天气、严重缺乏水资源,植物生长困难,但土地辽阔、城市污染少也是其特点,针对其不利条件结合其有利条件总结出一些因地制宜的城市空间景观设计手法-下沉式竖向设计;独特的荒漠大地景观;仿枯山水景观;采用特制园林建筑小品;并结合可移动式绿地,对不同区块采用不同措施,亦或是兼并采用达到即有效的适应并利用原有环境又提供了宜居的生活条件.As the st able urban development,it is gettingmore necessary to improve the condition of arid desert city and to build livable urban space. Arid desert areas havemany is sues, such as harsh climate, sand storm, seriously lack of water and hard to growth vegetation. But they have vast land and less pollution. According to the special conditions,some of landscaping ways to avoid disadv antages and use advantages were put forward,they are:sink"style vertical design,unique landscape of desert land,drylandscape,s pecial architecture for landscape and portable green. Different area can utilize different method or combine multi method that to achieve livable city in arid and desert area.
