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Creating and restoring urban ecologies: Case studies in China

2023-01-04 作者:Kongjian Yu 来源:Ecologies Design
Converging drivers of change such as biodiversity loss,human population expan-|sion,and climate change pose great challenges to the way people design and build humanity's habitat.Landscape architectsmust respond to these challenges and can draw upon many effective,developed design strategies,but can also draw upon traditional or local ecological knowledge and practices. It is clear that a paradigm shift in designing the built environment is needed in order to adapt to the rapidly changing climate. Sucha shift is needed to solve the multitude of urban ecological issues including floodcontrol,storm-water management,pollu-tion remediation,and habitat restoration.Thiswouldbeashiftofcivilisationfrom industrial-civilisation to eco-civilisatior (Hamilton et al.,2017).People need to rethink industrial technology-based hard engineering solutions to these urban issues and rediscover nature-based andsymbiotic solutions,which can often be inspired by the ancient wisdoms of living with nature(Yu,2010,2017).An exam-ple of people accumulating rich wisdorn in dealing with alternating drought and flood cycles for example,is the aquaculture and landscape management practices that have evolved in monsoon climates of China(Chen et al.,2016;Wu et al., 2013).To illustrate these propositions,three landscape architecture projects are described that have been constructed in China(2014-2016).

文章来源:Kongjian Yu. (2021). Creating and restoring urban ecologies: Case studies in China. In: M. P. Zari, P. Connolly, & M. Southcombe (Eds.), ECOLOGIES design—Transforming Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism, New York: Routledge, pp. 49-61.