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Think like a king, act like a peasant: the power of a landscape architect and some personal experience

2023-01-09 作者:Kongjian Yu
This text relates my experience as a landscape architect in China.It should be understood in the context of the country's concentrated political system and in the transitional time of the technocratic society. I do not intend for it to be read as me blowing my own trumpet to asmall audience from the very small and sometimes—or,perhaps,often—powerless profession that we call landscape architecture.But if my personal experience is valuable for my colleagues, pro-fessionals, and academics to understand the potential power of this profession, such a risk is worthwhile.
Christophe Girot and Dora Imhof(Eds.), Thinking the contemporary landscape, Princeton architectural press, 2016: 164-184    

文章来源:Kongjian Yu, Think like a king, act like a peasant: the power of a landscape architect and some personal experience[M]. in Christophe Girot and Dora Imhof(Eds.), Thinking the contemporary landscape, Princeton architectural press, 2016: 164-184