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2023-01-31 作者:俞孔坚 来源:景观设计学2008(2):14-17.
过去10年,作为一个景观设计学的实践者、教育者和科研人员,我有幸见证了中国大地上翻天覆地的巨大变化,并有幸参与其中,成为这种巨变洪流的一小分子。以个人角度来回顾和认识这10年来中国大地景观的演变,以及景观规划设计学科和实践的发展,是一件每个人能做、且需要做的事,由此可以构建关于这种认识的群体智慧。本文更确切地说是一个心路历程,是一个面对中国重大问题的思考和求索答案的过程。 For the past ten years, the author has fully experienced the process of tremendous changes across the Chinese landscapes, and has acted as a part of these charging forces. This paper is a personal prospective of the change of the landscape and the development of the profession of landscape architecture. In front the overwhelming wave of urbanization and physical and intellectual charges, this kind of personal and individual retrospectives are what everyone can do and shall do,that all together willcollectively contribute to the overall picture of the changing process which otherwise will be so overwhelming to becaptured by a single mind. This paper is about a personal process of thinking and exploration in finding solutions to some of the big issues in China.

文献来源:俞孔坚. 景观十年:求索心路与践行历程[J].景观设计学2008(2):14-17.