Dr. Yu is one of the most famous and progressive landscape architects in China, contributing both in education and practice. He created the Graduate School of Landscape Architecture in Peking University, China’s most prestigious university, and used that program as a platform to advance the profession. Yu was one of the first to argue that modern landscape architecture in China does not stem from the art of landscape gardening, but is rooted in our ancestor’s struggle with such issues as flood management, creating places for settlements, and cultivating the land. As the author of 15 books and more than 150 papers, Yu wrote extensively about his idea that Chinese landscape architecture should and could help modern China better utilize and protect its limited resources while bringing people and nature into harmony. He proposed the landscape security pattern approach to landscape ecological planning. Believing that "if we save China, we can save the world, "Yu takes great efforts not only to educate students but also to educate Chinese officials and clients. He believes the best and most efficient way to protect the land, history, and culture is to educate the decision makers. One approach was to send 3,000 Chinese officials a copy of his book The Road to Urban Landscape: A discussion with Mayors.
In addition to education, Dr. Kongjian Yu uses practice to demonstrate how landscape architecture can address big issues and create positive environmental outcomes. As the founder and president of Turenscape, he designed and built hundreds of landscape architecture and urban design projects in China and throughout the world. Many of these projects received awards and recognition. In this way Yu reached a wider audience in China where landscape design was not an officially recognized profession until just ten years ago. For example, on the campus of Shenyang Architecture University, the recipient of a 2005 ASLA Design Honor Award, the rice paddies and other native crops he added are being successfully used to keep the land productive while meeting the needs of new functions. This simple solution demonstrates that agricultural crops can become, through careful design and management, beautiful landscape material. It also raises awareness of land matters and agriculture in this time of overwhelming urbanization of the younger generation in China.
As both a famous landscape architect and an educator, KongjianYu has gained wide respect around the world. He stands on the forefront of the landscape architecture education revolution and has greatly improved the practice of the profession in China.
Zhen Feng is a second-year MLA student with a BLA from Beijing Forestry University. She is interested in landscape ecology and urban design.
Jakes, Susan. April 10, 2006."A Force of Nature." TIME:Asia
Stokman, Antie and Stefanie Ruff. July 2005. Topos, 5 I: Prospective Landscapes.
Yu, Kongjian. Feb. 2006. "Kongjian Yu Address Contemporary Landscape Architecture" Landscape Australia No. 109.
Yu, Kongjian,and Dihua Li.2003. Roadto Urban Landscape: A Communication with Mayors~ China Architectural Industry Press.
http://www, asla.org/meetings/am2006/docs/Yubio.doc