In the new section about projects completed by shortlisted participans, we will explore Qiaoyuan Park by Turenscape architectural bureau.
Tianjin is a Chinese industrial metropolis. Several years ago a twenty-two hectares area later transformed into a park was a garbage dump. Continuously expanding, it reached the adjacent residential blocks. After the local community's request, the municipal government decided to create a park and put out a tender for area beautification. Turenscape Architects won, and in two years the former 22-hectare garbage dump turned into the multi-level wetland park.
One can easily imagine what Turenscape Architects faced: because of the polluted marshy soil it was almost impossible to decorate the park with ornamental plants. That is why the architects preferred a native low-maintenance ecosystem to exotic greenery. They developed a special technology to collect rainwater and direct it to plants. As a result, the park needs very little care.
To diversify a simple landscape the architects used terraces, ponds and cascades; also, wooden platforms were placed near the water. The pathways covered with red-coloured asphalt form a network of routes. A number of pavilions and benches make it possible to have rest anytime.
Today the park attracts thousands of visitors. During the first two months of its opening this number reached 200,000 people.