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iBohia: Port of Barra could 'disappear' in this century due to climate change

2024-05-31 Author:Nathália Amorim Source:iBohia

It completes this Wednesday (29) one month since Rio Grande do Sul was affected by a climatic tragedy caused by rain, which left dead, thousands of homeless and displaced people, and a trail of destruction that cuts across all corners of the state.

With the climatic tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul, another term has come to the forefront: sponge cities. In contrast to highly urbanized cities that suffer from phenomena such as rising sea levels, floods, and droughts, sponge cities are a kind of urban solution where nature, climate change, and urban structures can coexist more harmoniously.

In simpler terms, sponge cities, a concept developed by the Chinese Kongjian Yu, help absorb and manage rainwater through sustainable drainage and green infrastructure. This helps reduce damage from flooding and inundations.


Source: https://www.ibahia.com/noticias/meio-ambiente/como-salvador-sera-afetada-pelas-mudancas-climaticas-319741

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