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Nexo: Kongjian Yu - Transforming a Municipality into a Sponge City in Five Years is Possible

2024-06-26 Author:Frances Jones Source:Nexo

Chinese landscape architect and urban planner Kongjian Yu, a professor at Peking University and director of the landscape architecture firm Turenscape, one of the largest in the world, often tells a story about when he fell into a river as a boy in rural China. He managed to save himself by grabbing onto branches along the edge of the stream. After growing up, he returned to his village and found that engineers had concreted the channel. He thought, "I wouldn't be able to save myself if I fell into a river like this now. Where would I grab onto in this concrete-lined channel?"


Source: https://www.nexojornal.com.br/externo/2024/06/25/kongjian-yu-e-possivel-transformar-um-municipio-em-uma-cidade-esponja-em-cinco-anos

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