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Zhongshan Shipyard Park

2024-06-03 author:Kongjian Yu Source:Kongjian Yu Turenscape 1998-2018 (pp.66-73). Eds. Enrico Falqui. Italy:LIBRIA Publishers.
At the beginning of the new millennium in China the ordinary heritage – old buildings, industrial compounds, vernacular landscapes – was systematically demolished to make room for new development. Shipyard Park in Zhongshan, in the Pearl River Delta region, in the South China Sea, is the first opportunity for Turenscape to affirm its antirhetorical vision of the landscape, which aims to integrate ecological, economic and social considerations, while at the same time manifesting an aesthetic theory that instead of squandering, enhances and recovers the material and cultural heritage, even the most difficult to perceive at a perceptive and emotional level, such as the socialist factories of the 50s-60s and 70s.

文章来源:Kongjian Yu. (2019). Zhongshan Shipyard Park. In: Enrico Falqui. Kongjian Yu Turenscape 1998-2018. Italy: LIBRIA, pp.66-73.