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Let Landscape Lead Urbanism: Growth Planning for Beijing

2024-06-13 Source:Designed Ecologies The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu . Switzerland: Birkhauser Basel, pp.212-221
Commissioned by the Land Resources Bu-reau of the Beijing Municipal Government,this project was carried out by the GraduateSchool of Landscape Architecture (now theCollege of Architecture and Landscape Archi-tecture)at Peking University in associationwith Turenscape.The strategies and spatialarrangement for future land use proposed bythis project havebeen adopted and approvedby the BeijingLand Use Plan,2006-2020.

文章来源:Kongjian Yu. (2012). Let Landscape Lead Urbanism: Growth Planning for Beijing. In: William S.Saunders. Designed Ecologies The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu. Switzerland: Birkhauser Basel, pp.212-221.