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Kongjian Yu COP28: Realizing the Scale required for NbS to catalyze transformative Action


Lecturer:Kongjian Yu

Despite increasing global interest in Nbs,lack of financing remains a major barrier to implementing NbS at scale.UNFCCC COP28 has prioritized the role of Nature in dlimate changediscussions,and this provides an opportunity to address the existing gap in NbS investment,tosupport their implementation and scaling up for addressing various societal and environmentalchallenges.

Scaling up the necessary financing instruments requires policy shifts,improved implementationframeworks,and collaboration among stakeholders.The High-level event "Accelerating Financefor Nature-based Solutions:Unlocking Opportunities for Sustainable Development"will aim tobring together development partners and government officials at the ministerial level alongsideIUCN,to discuss and launch initiatives that could potentially accelerate mobilizing financing forNbS to implement NDCs,NBSAPs and development plans at national and subnational levels.

This event is co-organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),FrenchDevelopment Agency (AFD)and The International Development Finance Club (IDFC).

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_NEPn0VVyw

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