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Austin international conference on "nature and the city" in American


Lecturer:Kongjian, Yu


  Tim Beatley UVA, ( University of Virginia ), Charlottesville

  James Corner New York, James Corner Site development designing institute,  The university of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia

  Susannah Drake,New York brooklyn, Dland designing institute

  Carol Franklin And José Almiñana PhiladelphiaMiscanthus landscape design company

  Kristina Hill University of California , Berkeley

  Nina-Marie Lister Toronto, Ryerson University

  Forster Ndubisi  Texas A&M University

  Laurie Olin, Olin landscape designing institute and partners,University of Pennsylvania

  Kate Orff New York landscape designing institute

  Danilo Palazzo  University of Cincinnati

  Chris Reed Stoss Landscape Urbanism designing institute,harvard university

  Anne Whiston Spirn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  Charles Waldheim,harvard university

  Richard Weller,University of Pennsylvania

  Kongjian Yu,Peking University and Turenscape

  Conference Organization:

  Armando Carbonell

  Frederick Steiner

  George Thompson George F. Thompson

  Conference background:

  At present, nearly half of the world's people live in cities, the future of the city is acknowledged as the most important social and environmental issues in 21Century .

  Since the development of human civilization, urban green space design and planning for the urban development is very important.

  19.Century, Frederick law olmsted, walker and their partners jointly designed central park in New York, ushered in a new Angle of view of the public park.

  20;Century, Ian time, ecology understanding shall guide the design and planning are put forward.

  In the new century, a new form of green infrastructure to increase, such as New York's Manhattan elevated park and staten island Fresh Kills the park.

  In this special session, the famous scholar, planners and designers will emphasize the crucial link between nature and cities, ecological design and planning and   explains how to promote a more optimized process of world city, maintain a complete connection between the two.


  Venue: Friday,AT&T conference center

      Saturday,Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

      translate:Bo Su

      proofreading:Qiao Wu


  Natural and urban ecological design and urban planning

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