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Kongjian Yu Spoke at the World Around Summit 2024: The Landscape Architecture of Post-industrial Civilization


Lecturer:Kongjian Yu

The World Around is a global non-profit organization based in New York with a simple yet grand mission: to make the best new ideas in design accessible to everyone. By focusing on interdisciplinary and cutting-edge fields, climate justice, and actionable ideas, it explores the current state, advancements, and future of contemporary design.

The 2024 The World Around Summit is scheduled to take place on May 11 at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. Through a series of lectures and dialogues, the summit will spotlight new global projects, with a particular focus on the intersection of design, ecology, and social justice. The interdisciplinary lineup will present innovative ideas in landscape architecture and urban planning, material innovation, housing, and cultural spaces, sharing designers' outstanding strategies for addressing today's challenges. The summit is divided into three parts. The first part, "Surveying the World," aims to delve into the details, examining the critical thinking and societal, scientific, and political forces that influence designers. The second part, "Fluid Fields," embraces the versatility and diversity of many contemporary artists, designers, and architects. The third part, "Planetary Landscapes," gathers the most important figures in today's landscape and urban design fields to explore cross-disciplinary, actionable strategies for addressing global warming. Yu Kongjian, Chair of the Climate Change Committee of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture and Professor at the College of Architecture and Landscape at Peking University, will deliver a lecture titled "Landscape Architecture in the Post-Industrial Civilization Era." Based on his ecological restoration and sponge city (sponge watershed) design practices in over 250 cities in China and more than ten countries worldwide, he will discuss the advantages and immense potential of the landscape architecture profession in addressing climate change.


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